At any point during your 15-day free trial of TitanFile, you can upgrade your account by following these steps:
1. Log into your TitanFile account by visiting:
**Note: If you have a custom subdomain, please use that to log in."
2. In the left panel, click "Options" and then the "Billing" tab at the top.
3. Select the # of licenses you wish to purchase, billing cycle, and plan. You can click the "Compare plans" link to view the different TitanFile plans.
Then, fill out your credit card information in the Billing Information section.
4. You can view the order summary on the right-hand side. If you have a discount code, you may also enter it here.
5. When you're ready to proceed, click "Complete Purchase." Your payment information will be processed shortly after and you will receive an invoice by email. Your new subscription will be active immediately.
**Note: Other payment methods may be available to you. To enquire, contact the billing department at