The maximum upload size of individual files depends on your subscription type.
A fully-featured plan for individual users that require advanced features; this plan allows file size uploads up to 10 GB.
For small to mid-sized firms that need security but require minimal features; this plan allows file size uploads up to 10 GB.
For mid-sized firms that require advanced collaboration features and large file transfer; this plan allows file size uploads up to 50 GB.
For large organizations with custom requirements and more complex IT needs; this plan is customizable and allows uploads of 50 GB and up.
Free Guest Accounts
File size limitations for guests are dependent on the license holder's subscription. If a guest account shares a channel with a licensed user, the same file size limits apply to guests as they do to the licensed user.
For example, if your subscription file size limit is 10 GB, your guest can also upload 10 GB files into your channel.