- Accessing Individual Channel Histories
- Accessing reports and activity logs
- Advanced Sharing Permissions
- Archiving a Channel
- Bulk options in Manage Channels
- Can I respond to someone who sent me a Secure Submit message?
- Changing your password
- Data Retention Best Practices for Subscription Administrators
- External Users are not receiving emails or they are delayed. How can I solve this?
- How are my contacts verified?
- How can I quickly find all channels related to a contact?
- How can I tell the difference between read and unread channels?
- How can Lenovo Users Remove SuperFish Adware to Connect to TitanFile?
- How do I cancel my account?
- How do I change my profile name?
- How Do I Configure TitanFile Notification Preferences?
- How do I copy files from one channel to another?
- How do I export a channel's history?
- How do I export a conversation into PDF?
- How do I get product updates?
- How do I give a managed user delegate access to another managed user's account?
- How do I rename files or folders in a channel?
- How do I request new features for TitanFile?
- How do I set a file retention period in my channel?
- How do I set data retention policies for my files?
- How do I watermark documents in a channel?
- How does channel search work?
- How does TitanFile restrict malicious files from being sent and received?
- How is TitanFile able to offer unlimited storage compared to other more expensive storage options?
- How many people can be added to a Channel?