To prevent recipients from downloading, printing, or copying shared documents, you can enable view-only access on channels.
Only PDF files are supported at this time. Support for other file types coming soon.
**Note: If you do not see this feature in your options, please contact us.
With this feature enabled, you'll see a new option called Secure document preview inside the channel Options of each channel you own. This will allow you to set up view-only access on a channel-by-channel basis.
By enabling this option, a few things will happen:
Contacts will be restricted from downloading files in the channel
The download, print, and copy options will be disabled in the built-in viewer
A custom watermark will be automatically applied to shared documents
You can customize the automated watermark by clicking the pencil icon next to Secure document preview.
This will allow you to add custom text and images, as well as other options such as downloader name, downloader IP, and download timestamp.